Holistic Health Coaching

Welcome to Holistic Health Coaching

Take charge of your health and eliminate the confusion around nutrition and wellness. If you’re struggling with digestive issues, you’re not alone. Together, we’ll focus on healing your gut to help you regain your energy, enhance your digestive power, and sharpen your focus.

When diet is wrong, the medicine is of use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.

~ Ancient Ayurvedic proverb

My job as a health coach is to equip you with practical, yet powerful tools and strategies to build and sustain long lasting health. A big part of that is teaching you how to use food as medicine.

I will help you navigate and streamline your health practices, based on what your body needs.

Did you know that over 80% of your immune system resides in your gut? That many hormones, including your happy hormone - seratonin, are produced in the gut?

By focusing on optimizing gut health you will gain, more energy, experience a smoother digestion, find deeper sleep and benefit from a robust immune system and a balanced hormonal landscape.

My method is based on simple changes to daily habits, nothing restrictive, nothing overwhelming. Together we will revitalise your health from the root - your gut.

“A year on, my entire gut system has completely changed. I’ve really benefitted so much from the sessions with Stephanie, and her insight and wisdom - its had a profound impact on my health.”

Miranda Chance

The gut is the foundation of health 

Did you know that without our microbiome we would be unable to digest most foods?

And did you know that the brain and gut are in constant communication, and that they influence each other?

In Eastern medicine, digestion has always had a central focus. This is currently also being validated in many scientific studies today. From the gut-brain axis, to weight management to mood disorders, blood sugar balancing; the gut is involved.  

As a health coach my mission is to harness you with tools and knowledge on how to build and foster good gut health, and by extension improve your overall health.

How is your gut?

  • Are you bloated all the time?

  • Or do certain foods trigger digestive distress?

  • Do you suffer from food sensitivities or skin issues? And tired of having to cut food group after food group out of your diet?

  • Are you tired of being tired? Craving sugar to power you through your day?

  • Do you have experience foggy brain and low energy?

  • Do you suffer from allergies?

  • Do you catch every cold & flu?

  • Or are you riding a turbulent moody hormone rollercoaster?

  • Or do you suffer from any of these digestive issues; constipation/diarrhoea, acid reflux, food sensitivities, IBS, SIBO, SIFO, leaky gut (permeable intestinal wall).

If you recognise these symptoms your gut needs support.

These symptoms are often related to an imbalanced gut microbiome (dysbiosis).

How I work

I empower you with knowledge, strategies and tools derived from ancient healing systems of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, coupled with Western holistic healing concepts and my own experience of healing my gut, chronic fatigue, and hormone imbalances.

I help you navigate and understand what your body needs to thrive.

Part of the success of this is tied to the health of your gut and partially to your constitution (dosha).

Take my dosha quiz to find out your constitutional type (google form).

I will then send you an overview of this dosha type so you can better understand your bodies needs.

Ways to work with me

  1. Work directly with me in 1:1 coaching - this gives you accountability and tailored guidance specific to your health goals. See details here.

  2. Download one of my self-led programs, designed to target specific health issues. You can add on a single 1:1 coaching session to gain targeted advice specific to you. Find out more by clicking on each program:

    5 Step Gut Reset - Gentle Detox - Gut healing Program

  3. Make use of my resources, from seasonal recipe bundles to in-depth Dosha guides to Gut healing foods guide and Inflammatory & Anti-inflammatory foods overview and more. Find them all here under my Resources tab.

“What I found most interesting throughout my journey with Stephanie, is that the smallest changes can have the biggest impact and be the most sustainable.”

Elin Sahlsten

Our body is constantly speaking to us. When we learn to recognise it’s signals we can take charge of our own health and well-being.

What clients say

“Stephanie helped me reframe my thinking on, and understanding of, nutrition. Her coaching is truly is a one-size-fits-one approach. Her knowledge cut through the noise and not only equipped, but empowered me, to nourish my body. Her recipes are simple, nourishing and easy to whip together at any meal.”

Mc Kenzie Price

“I’m so grateful to have found Stephanie. Her wise and insightful perspective on helping me understand the interconnections of imbalances in my body in a holistic way has filled me with inspiration and hope. These coaching sessions have been eye-opening and transformative, deepening my understanding of nutrition and woman’s health, and bringing more energy and balance to my body. Stephanie has a caring, curious, and creative approach, always willing to help and share valuable information in a clear and accessible manner. I truly appreciate her support on my journey to better health and wholeheartedly recommend her!” 

Hanna Lind