The core of the work I do is to help you become aware of your body’s and natures healing abilities. To equip you with knowledge and understanding of what your body needs to stay healthy and balanced.
My approach
I am looking at you as a whole. How you live, how you sleep, how you feel. I use concepts and methods from the ancient healing principals of traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda to guide you towards your optimal health. I will introduce you to small changes in your daily routines, that will have lasting impact on your health and well-being.
My mission
My mission is to help you understand what your body needs and when it needs it! To empower you to take charge of your own health and mental well-being.
My why
In today’s society most of us have lost touch with the cycles of nature. We have no connection to how our food is grown. Our bodies are often in a constant state of stress. Bombarded by external pollutants as well as internal. We feel a lack of energy and motivation. Our sleep is interrupted or we have trouble falling asleep. We are overweight or underweight. We suffer symptoms that have no medical solution so we drown our bodies in drugs, dulling those aches and pains and the emotions surrounding them. We plough forward thinking this is just how things are, for everyone. This is where I challenge you to consider the opposite;
You can live life feeling energised, emotionally balanced, well slept, healthy in mind and body.

I believe that optimal health can be found when we tap into our body’s innate healing systems and reconnect with nature and its cycles. Supported by a few superfoods, medicinal herbs or other powerful tonics.