Better Hydration

Electrolytes are part of hydration

Ever hear about electrolytes and wondered what they are? Well, electrolytes are substances that are essential for everyday bodily functions. They’re found in all of your cells and work together to help keep your body functioning properly.

Electrolytes are mainly composed of minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. But they can also include other substances such as chloride, phosphate, and bicarbonate. These substances help control the balance of water in your body, electrical activity, muscle contractions, as well as helping to regulate blood acidity.

It's important to have the right levels of electrolytes in your body in order for it to function properly. When you don't have enough electrolytes, it can lead to dehydration, muscle weakness or cramping, confusion, fatigue, dizziness, and more serious conditions.

On the other hand, having too much of one of the electrolytes can also be risky. Too much sodium or potassium can throw off your body's balance and cause health issues. So it's important to make sure you maintain healthy levels of these minerals!

You can maintain healthy electrolyte levels by eating foods that contain electrolytes, such as fruits (watermelon!), vegetables, dairy products, and legumes. You can also boost your levels of electrolytes with sports drinks or supplements or even just a pinch a sea/Himalayan sea salt to your water.

5 Tips for hydrating better

  1. Hydrate regularly, keep a glass or bottle next to you to remind you to drink.

  2. Add a tiny pinch of Celtic sea salt or Himalayan sea salt to your water, this adds electrolytes & minerals

  3. Eat more vegetables, they contain water and nutrients; minerals and electrolytes

  4. Add fruit or vegetable slices to your water. Again this adds minerals & electrolytes plus it makes the water taste really nice which might entice you to drink more ;)

  5. For every dehydrating beverage you drink (coffee, black tea, sodas, alcohol) drink 1 glass of water alongside or after.

Here are 2 recipes for my favourite cooling and hydrating summer drinks.

Lavender lemonade

This is a super easy & perfect tart & floral hydrating summer drink.


juice from 6 lemons

1 tbsp honey (raw is much more nutrient dense)

10 medium sized ice cubes

1tsp dried lavender

300ml water

  1. Add all the ingredients to a blend, blitz until you have a lemonade! Drink straight up or dilute with sparkling water.

Hibiscus, chrysanthemum, goji Lemonade

50g dried hibiscus leaves 

10g dried chrysanthemum flower
1.5L spring/filtered water
2 tbsp goji berries
1tsp raw honey/maple syrup (optional)

1. Boil water, turn it off
2. Add the hibiscus, chrysanthemum and goji berries to the water and allow to steep 2-4hours.
3. In the morning strain into a large glass jug
4. Drink on it’s own or dilute with sparkling water

Hibiscus & goji berries both contain high amounts of vitamin C. Hibiscus is also know within Traditional Chinese Medicine to cool the blood, helping reduce excess yang (heat, inflammation). While goji berries also have a very high antioxidant content and are used to support the immune system, plus it will help support your liver (detox system) and strengthen vision (blurry eye sight).

Within Traditional Chinese medicine, chrysanthemum tea is known for its cooling and calming properties. It's often used during summer to hydrate. It is also used to reduce a fever and improve cold or respiratory symptoms. It's also reported to possess anti-inflammatory, sedative, anti-hypertensive and anti-arthritis effects.

Goji berries & Chrysanththemum are often used together in teas for medicinal purposes in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Stephanie Fairbank

Holistic Health Coach, specialised in gut health and parental wellbeing, quick and efficient cooking with whole foods, based in traditional Chinese Medicine & Ayurveda.


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