Medicinal Mushrooms

There are about 650 (recorded) as so-called medicinal mushrooms. These mushrooms have been used for healing for thousands of years. They do so by helping regulate the immune system in a “non-specific way”. Meaning they help support the immune system where ever it needs support, so-called immunomodulators. 

Did you know that mushrooms share over 40% of the human DNA? 

All of these medicinal (also known as functional, not psychedelic) mushrooms contain;

  • Prebiotics, which are the food for probiotics bacteria (good guys) which will support immunity and healthy digestion. 

  • Protein, in the form of amino-acids which are building blocks for all cells. 

  • High amounts of mineral and vitamins and trace minerals

  • Vitamin D. Mushrooms are one of the only plants that can create vitamin D (as can humans from sunshine).

The general benefits of these mushrooms are that they offer immune support, help stabilise blood sugar, regulate cholesterol, improve the function of lymphatic and circulatory system and can be used for extended periods of time without side effects.

Their main active components are;

  • Beta-glucans are a soluble fibre. A bioactive polysaccharide, essentially a soluble fibre that the body can use. Found in oats, mushrooms, barley and baker yeast. They help activate white blood cells, support healthy cholesterol levels, feed good gut bacteria and help balance inflammation in the body.

  • Triterpenoids are a class of bioactive substances with antioxidant properties (anti-inflammatory) which help protect the body from free radical damage. Free radicals are unstable molecules that “steal ions” from other molecules making them unstable, thus creating a domino effect. If you were to equate our body to a machine, free radicals cause rusting, and antioxidants are an anti-rust agent. Triterpenoids have been used to help reduce the release of histamine which is linked to various allergies such as hay fever. It’s also been seen to lower blood pressure and protect liver cells. As well as being; anticarcinogenic, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, antimycotic (inhibits the growth of fungi such as candida), analgesic (pain relief), immunomodulatory, and cardiotonic (overall tonifying for the cardiovascular system).

When looking to buy medicinal mushrooms check the labels to ensure that fruiting bodies are the main & only content, no mycelium fillers. For Chaga and Reishi is good to get a so-called dual extraction (using water & alcohol to extract) as they contain compounds that are only extractable using alcohol. For the remaining mushrooms look for only water extraction as this will ensure that the water soluble health components are saved as apposed to lost with the use of alcohol extraction. 

Always look for a 1:10 ratio, meaning 10 kg/pounds of mushrooms were used to create 1kg/pound of extract. Most tinctures are made with alcohol extraction which will then contain high amounts of antioxidants and are anti-inflammatory. If you are looking to support cancer water extraction is a better choice. To ensure that you get beneficial effects from the mushrooms it is advised to use them for at least 1 month. 

Here are some of the most used medicinal mushrooms and their specific super powers. 

Reishi - Ling Zhi - Ganoderma Lucidum

Adaptogenic - spirit tonic - anxiety quelling - stress reducing - immunity supporter

Reishi mushrooms have been revered as a spirit tonic for 3,000 years. Also known as “The Mushroom of Immortality”. Another name that reishi goes by is the ‘spirit mushroom’, partly due to its ability to strengthen the heart and calm the nervous system; supporting & harmonising healthy endocrine functions. Reishi mushrooms are highly valued in traditional Chinese medicine for many uses, including supporting longevity and overall vitality. It has been scientifically proven to contain anti-aging substances. Traditionally, reishi has been used to support liver regeneration and immune system health. In modern times, it is being used to help support among others; cardiovascular health, lowering cholesterol and improving blood flow, anxiety, insomnia and allergies. Reishi is known to thin blood.

Reishi mushroom is a great adaptogen that can help you overcome stress and increase energy. It has been used to help make a deeper connection to the soul (Shen in TCM), cultivating universal awareness and acting to help clear out psychic garbage. In addition there is research showing that Reishi can help balance female hormones. 

To ensure you have a high quality product, there should be a strong bitter flavour. This bitter flavour indicates the presence of triterpenoids. 

Cordyceps - Cordyceps sinesis - Caterpillar fungus 

Adaptogenic - energising - respiratory tonic - immune protector - antiviral 

Wild cordyceps grow at high altitudes on caterpillars! This makes it a very expensive mushroom to source and buy. Because it grows in such a harsh environment it has developed a strong mechanism of survival. One of its unique attributes is that is helps the uptake of oxygen and is often used by athletes as it also helps boost ATP production in cells (this is the energy center). This in itself means it is supportive of the cardiovascular system by helping produce more oxygen and whin in turn helps reduce fatigue, speeds recovery from athletic performance. As well as the lungs. Apart from this it has the same immunoregulating and adaptogenic characteristics as the other medical mushrooms, helping the body adapt to stress. It will stimulate the production of T cells while retarding the growth of cancer cells. It has been used to treat blood cancer (luekemia), colorectal, bladder, melanoma, multiple myeloma, breast & prostate cancers. It has an extremely high antioxidants content. In addition, it helps regulate cholesterol and blood lipid fertility. Cordyceps has long been used as an aphrodisiac and fertility booster. It helps support the Kidney & bladder and therefore our ancestral energy, Jing. All of this points to cordyceps being very helpful in reducing long covid and or adrenal fatigue. 

Chaga - Inonotuus obliquus - The King of Mushrooms 

Antioxidant power house - anti-inflammatory - immunity protector - lowers oxidative stress 

Chaga, also known as Gift of God, is the only medicinal mushroom that lives on live trees, all others live on dead trees. Chaga actually heals the living trees. It has the highest antioxidant content of all the medicinal mushrooms and amongst the highest content of antioxidants of all natural substances. It grows on birch trees in the northern hemisphere. Its specific active constituents are Melanin and SOD (superoxide dismutase). The latter is an essential antioxidant, acting as a first line of defence against free-radical oxidation (which occurs naturally during metabolism). SOD in chaga is uniquely bio-available. It has also been used in medical trials to lower levels of bad cholesterol, luekemia, lung, gastro-intestinal, parotid, colorectal, hodgkin lymphoma, cervical and breast cancer. It can also be used topically for skin cancers. It is used for its anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. It has also been used successfully to heal psoriasis. Chaga contains high levels of; selenium, iron, zinc, chromium, manganese, copper and magnesium. Some native cultures have used chaga for healthy hair and skin with topical use of it. 

Turkey Tail - Trametes versicolor - Cloud mushrooms 

Longevity - immunoregulatory - restorative - antiviral - anti-fungal - anti-inflammatory 

Turkey tail is currently most widely used to support immune system functioning. It was given it’s name due to its fan like shape & colourful ringlets. In Asia it has been used to support cancer treatments, known as the drug Krestin. It has been used in combination with radiotherapy and chemotherapy to help support recuperation. It has also been used to fight chronic fatigue, and recovery from viral-infections. Paul Stamets, a renowned mushroom expert, has said this mushroom could “heal the world”, because of its ability to cleanse soil from toxins and heavy metals.

Lions Mane - Hericium Erinaceus

Adaptogenic - cognitive + memory booster - mental resilience - reduces anxiety + anti-fungal, anti-microbial

Native to North America, Europe and Asia. This shaggy looking mushrooms is famous for it’s ability to create neurogenesis, which means reconnecting brain neurones. In other words this mushrooms supports cognition (memory) and thus boosts brain function. This is why it’s often used to slow the progression of brain related deterioration such as dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimers. It also helps regenerate the nervous system when there has been prolonged prolonged or acute stress. It has also shown the ability to enhance the functioning of the immune system. It grows on dead or dying logs. Lion’s mane also supports gut and immune health.

Tremella - Fountain of youth - snow mushroom

Beautifying - natural source of hyaluronic acid - supports lungs + stomach + heart - immunsystem protector 

This mushrooms is like a jelly. It is often used for its hydration properties for beauty purposes. In Traditional Chinese medicine it has been used to support the lungs, help maintain glowing skin, support immune function and reduce inflammation. It can hold 500 times its weight in water. It was traditionally used to promote healthy skin (aka beauty!) and bones and to support a healthy memory and metabolism. Tremella's particle sizes are actually smaller than those of HA, giving Tremella the ability to hold 5 times more water than hyaluronic acid. This gives Tremella an edge to penetrate the skin more easily. Yin tonic. Snow fungus polysaccharides play an important role in enhancing immune function by activating macrophages, T-lymphocytes, and B-lymphocytes, regulating non-specific immunity, humoral immunity and cellular immunity.

Maitake - Hen of the Woods - Dancing mushroom 

Nutritive - immunoregulatory - antiviral - blood sugar regulator - digestive aid - hormonal balancing

In the wild maitake grows at the base of oaks. The compounds in maitake mushrooms have been shown to increase white blood cell activity and production, helping to detect and destroy bacteria and other harmful organisms. Maitake mushrooms are adaptogenic, helping the body adapt to both environmental and psychological stresses while supporting the nervous and endocrine systems – as well as the adrenals, which are in charge of stress management. Maitake mushrooms are high in antioxidants, which may help reduce oxidative stress. This is beneficial for the whole body, especially brain and heart health. There is research showing that Maitake maybe useful for PCOS and other female hormone related imbalances. 

Shiitake - Lentinula Edodes - Elixir of Life

Antiviral - antibacterial - liver fortifying - reduces blood lipids and blood cholesterol - antioxidant

Traditionally shiitake mushroom has been used to support immune health in China and Japan for thousands of years. Its name comes from the Japanese word for “oak,” since it grows on fallen broadleaf trees. Widely studied for its immune-supporting qualities, Shiitake also offers antioxidant support and promotes skin, liver and cardiovascular health. Shiitake has been widely researched for its anticancer and immune supporting properties. Shiitake may also lower blood pressure in those with hypertension and increase libido. This mushroom is also a good source of selenium and contains vitamins E, D, A and E.


Align with the seasons, 5 element theory