Supporting Smooth Digestion

What is smooth digestion, and how do we support it?

Firstly, by smooth digestion, I mean we have an uninterrupted, metabolically sound digestive experience with one daily bowel movement. We do not experience bloating, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, and, or flatulence. 

Regular bowel movements can resolve a lot of the above mentioned digestive distresses as well as many other digestive issues. Why? Well, because bowel movements are one of the main ways for the body to dispose of waste.

If you are not eliminating regularly your body is reabsorbing & circulating; toxins, hormones, and other waste elements. Needless to say this taxes your bodies systems and disrupts their functions, for instance; influencing hormone balancing, straining your liver and disrupting your microbiome (gut bacteria). 

Second, how do we support smooth digestion? Simple in principle, but it seems harder in practice. Most people do not sufficiently cover the 3 most basic elements that aid smooth digestion in their daily habits; 

1. Fiber - Make vegetable your main focus at each meal. Vegetables and fruits are your main fiber provider. Let me know if you need specifics on this, I have lots of suggestions. 

2. Hydration - Pure, filtered water. Aim for 6-8 glasses a day. Plus another glass for every dehydrating beverage (coffee, black & green tea, soda, alcohol). I wrote a little more about how to hydrate more efficiently in another musing.

3. Movement - Move your body everyday, in what every shape or manner that works for you. 

One digestive issue, often connected to bowel movements or rather lack thereof is bloating.

Bloating can occur for many reasons but an overriding factor can be that your digestive fire is weak (lack of gastric juices, acids, enzymes). Meaning, your food is not being broken down fast enough, it's lingering in your digestive system, causing build up of bad bacteria, gas and stagnation

This in itself can lead to constipation and which can create bloating. Another reason for bloating can be related to irritation & inflammation of the digestive lining. Often the main culprits for this is processed and inflammatory foods*, stresslack of good gut bacteria and lack of deep sleep. 

Overtime such a state can weaken the integrity of the gut lining causing so called leaky gut (intestinal permeability) allowing food particles to pass into your blood which set off your immune system and increases overall inflammation in the body. Triggering food sensitivities, skin issues, allergies, and more. 

*Refined; grains, gluten, dairy, sugar + alcohol, coffee, medications

A strong digestion equals a strong immune system, better cognition, smoother hormonal regulation and a calmer nervous system.

4 tips to reduce bloating

1.Digestive bitters

The bitter flavour helps kick start our digestion by encouraging the gallbladder and pancreas to secrete digestive enzymes & gastric juices that help break down food.

2. Reduce drinks during meals

If you drinks lots of liquid during a meal you are diluting the gastric juices that are needed to break down your food.

3. Soak your grains

All Grains (save rice) contain phytic acid which can irritate the digestive system causing bloating. Soaking grains in water with a few drops of lime, lemon, apple cider vinegar will remove the phytic acid. Phytic acid is also labeled an antinutrient because humans lack the phytase enzyme needed to break it down. As it passes through the gut, phytic acid binds to minerals like iron, zinc, and calcium so they are not well-absorbed in the intestine.

4. Watch out for nuts

Nuts also contain small amounts of phytic acid which can irritate the gut lining.

I hope you find this helpful!

For more tips on digestion and gut health follow me on instagram (@holisticbysteph).

Stephanie Fairbank

Holistic Health Coach, specialised in gut health and parental wellbeing, quick and efficient cooking with whole foods, based in traditional Chinese Medicine & Ayurveda.


The importance of our gut bacteria


To Breakfast, or not