Zingy broccoli, feta and hempseed pasta

This dish just created its self. I happened to have the ingredients and then they just came together and if I may say so myself it's a real tasty dish. Broccoli is one of the those staple ingredients that we all need to eat lots of. It's also one of the veggies we don't have to spend extra money on buying biologically grown! The main health benefit of this humble veg is it's detoxifying ability. Believe it or not it's better for you steamed than raw, as your system can better utilise it that way. Another great benefit is that broccoli can help rebuild your vitamin D deficiency, something most of us here in the both have. Broccoli contains high levels of both vitamin K & A. Vitamin K is needed for bone formation and is needed for blood clotting. Vitamin A is among others supportive of vision. Not only that it’s also just a really good source of fiber.

Serves 2


1/2 head of broccoli, cut into florets

1/3 fresh chilli or a pinch of two of dried chilli (optional, can also be added at then end to individual dishes)

2-4 files of anchovy

drizzle of avocado oil

1 garlic, chopped

2/3 block of feta

Zest from 1 lemon (preferably non waxed bio lemon)

Juice from 1 lemon

1-2 tbsp hemp seeds

2-3 tbsp cold pressed extra virgin olive oil/cold pressed sunflower oil

salt and pepper

between 150-200 grams dried pasta

dusting of parmesan (optional)


  1. Put your pasta water on to boil.

  2. Wash the lemon, add the zest & juice into a bowl, add the oil and salt & pepper.

  3. Deseed the chilli, try not to touch and if you do wash your hands. Don't rub your eyes. Add to the oil mix. If using dried chilli add.

  4. In a dry frying pan, toast the hemp seeds slightly, this brings out their nutty flavour, allow to cool and then add to the oil mix.

  5. Now add a drizzle of avocado oil to your frying pan and add the garlic and anchovy files, frying on a low heat allow the anchovy to “melt“.

  6. While the pasta cooks steam the broccoli till tender.

  7. Add the broccoli to the frying pan with the anchovy & garlic. Using a fork mash the broccoli to break it down.

  8. Turn off the heat and add the lemon, oil mix and blend the anchovy & broccoli so that you get a thick “sauce”.

  9. Now crumble in the feta and add a dusting of parmesan, add the cooked pasta mix and enjoy!


Stephanie Fairbank

Holistic Health Coach, specialised in gut health and parental wellbeing, quick and efficient cooking with whole foods, based in traditional Chinese Medicine & Ayurveda.


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