Easy oat & kefir pancakes

I am in a total pancake mode at the moment, and have been experimenting with various versions. This recipe is flexible on the flour you use, you can exchange the oat flour for spelt or use part oat/ part almond flour, tigger nut flour. If you have a high speed blender or food processor oat flour is easy to make, just blend the amount you need until it the oats turn into flour! If you don’t like banana in your batter you can replace with apple sauce or add more kefir.

The kefir adds some good gut bacteria to the mix which we all need a daily dose of to improve out overall gut health.

Any left overs can be frozen and then used as a quick easy breakfast or a healthy after school snack for kids. When freezing, place a piece of parchment paper between each pancake to stop them sticking together.


2 very ripe banana’s (or 100g yoghurt)

2 cups//250g oat flour (can be exchanged for other flours)

0.5 cup//125ml kefir (fermented dairy or coconut drink)

1,5 tsp baking powder

pinch of salt

zest from half a lemon

4 eggs

1,5 tbsp coconut oil


  1. Melt the coconut oil in the pan you plan to fry the pancakes in.

  2. In a bowl mix all the dry ingredients.

  3. In a blender mix the bananas and kefir, add the melted coconut oil, leaving the pan with a little fat over to fry in.

  4. Now mix the wet with the dry ingredients.

  5. Heat then pan and about half a soup ladle of mix to the pan. If you have a large enough pan you should be able to fry off several in one pan. The first pancakes always take the longest, have patience. You want to flip them over once you see they give off a bubbles/holes develop on the surface. This takes between 2-4minutes for the first batch, this time shortens once the pan has really heated up.

Enjoy the pancakes with my quick maple nut butter, Lucuma chia jam or simply some good quality maple syrup, sliced banana, roasted walnuts and/ or hazelnuts.


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