Scones my way with homemade jam
I had a scone addiction while in uni. I made them everyday before sitting down to study. They kept me going for hours, and for those that know me that's a long time considering at that time in my life I was constantly hungry. The difference between these and the ones I used to make is the use of butter and less of the seeds, nuts and olive oil that I used to made my uni scones with. In other words my scone baking has become more refined.
The jam is extremely simple, I used frozen berries, you can also use blueberries, blackberries or even cherries.
Scones my way with homemade jam
Scone Ingredients
150g spelt flower
100g almond flour
50g oat flour (I blended regular oats in my blender to make this flour)
50 grams butter
1 egg
pinch of salt
2 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp yoghurt or milk
Jam Ingredients
200g frozen berries
1 tbsp honey/agave syrup/vanilla sugar/ brown or white unbleached non sugar.
Optional - a few drops of vanilla essence or vanilla sugar
I like my jam tart so make sure you taste it and add more sweetener if you like a sweeter jam.
1 tbsp chia seeds
For the scones
Pre heat you oven till 180 degrees celcius.
Mix all the dry ingredients in bowl.
Crumble the butter into the dry ingredients.
Add the milk or yoghurt, Mix. But don't over work it. It should be a wet dough. Finally add the egg.
Scoop out scone portions onto oven baking paper and onto a tray.
Bake for 12-16min.
Once baked allow to cool slightly, before serving with jam & clotted cream or just plain whipped cream or butter.
For the Jam
Place the berries in a thick bottomed pan. Turn on the heat, but keep it low (especially if the berries are still frozen).
Allow the frozen berries to slowly melt. If your using fresh or defrosted berries, you will also need to allow low heat and let the berries melt. Stir constantly to avoid burning.
Add the sweetner of your choice and the chia seeds.
Allow to cook on low heat for 6-8min, so that you end up with a thick jam.