A kind of stir fry salad with tahini lemon dressing

You know when you have found something yummy and you just wanna keep making and eating it, day after day (pesto is one of those for me)? This is my second day of this stir fry salad and it's hitting all the right notes for me. Slightly sweet, sour, spicy, creamy and crunchy oh and lets not forget green, green, green. 

You could easily make this into a more substantial dish for dinner with some steamed fish on top or even grilled chicken. I added a soft boiled egg last and that wasn't bad. I bet a poached egg might be even better. Tinned tuna could also be a good portion addition. Some brown or red rice or quinoa would also be nice to beef it up a little. Although just as it is this stir fry salad is yummy! 


1-2 tsp coconut oil (alternatively other frying friendly oil such as rice oil)

2 medium or 3 small kale (I used cavalero nero) leaves 

1/4 head of broccoli (depending on the size, basically you want 5-6 rosettes)

2-3 leaves of radicchio salad (red)

2 stalks celery

1/4 red chilli (deseeded if you don't like too much heat)

1 garlic clove 

handful of fresh parsley or wild ruccula 

1/2 ripe avocado 

Optional seeds or nut toppings - sprinkle of hempseed, roasted and chopped hazelnuts or walnuts, roasted pumpkin seeds and or sesame seeds 

You could also add fresh peas or replace the kale for spinach but not the baby kind as that will just get soggy, you would need the larger rougher type. 

Tahini, lemon dressing ingredients

1/2 lemon juice

1 tsp dijon or other strong mustard

1 tbsp tahini

pinch of salt 

1 tsp soy sauce (I like tamari as its gluten free)

optional 1/3 garlic clove minced

1,5 tbsp olive oil 

  1. Begin by washing all your ingredients, then pat dry with a kitchen towel. 

  2. Chop the chilli and garlic and fry lightly in the coconut oil. 

  3. While the chilli & garlic fry chop the veggies into bite size pieces. 

  4. Once the garlic is somewhat soft and shiny add the broccoli, stir and fry on a low heat. Fry for about 1min. 

  5. Now add the kale and fry for another minute.

  6. Then add the rest of the veggies and fry for another minute. Take of the heat but keep the veggies in the pan while you make the dressing, they will continue to fry a little that way. 

  7. Whisk together the dressing ingredients. Taste, you want a slightly creamy, salty, zingy flavour. add more salt or lemon juice if you require. 

  8. Transfer the veggies to a plate or bowl and drizzle over the dressing. Scoop out half an avocado and slice into chunks, add to the veggies.

  9. If you like, add any seeds or nuts of your preference. 

Stephanie Fairbank

Holistic Health Coach, specialised in gut health and parental wellbeing, quick and efficient cooking with whole foods, based in traditional Chinese Medicine & Ayurveda.


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