A little green treat

I need afternoon snacks, and sweet ones are always preferable. This little green treat is an adjusted version of The Green Kitchen Stories magic mousse. The variation came about as I didn't have raw cacao powder and because I was craving something green. It's just about the simplest and quickest treat to make and it will fulfil that creamy, sweet, craving you might have late afternoon. 

Serves 1


1 ripe banana

1/2 ripe avocado

1/2 tbsp raw cacao nibs

pinch of sea salt

1 tbsp nut butter of your taste* ( I used a mixed version containing, almond, cashew and hazelnut)

1 tsp - spirulina/ chlorella or other green super food powder

* keep in mind that the nut butter will influence the texture and taste. Tahini is always a winner in my opinion but it will turn this treat towards a more savoury flavour.

Place all the ingredients in a blender, mix, taste adding more nut butter or cacao to taste.

Now sit back and enjoy the healthy treat you made!

Stephanie Fairbank

Holistic Health Coach, specialised in gut health and parental wellbeing, quick and efficient cooking with whole foods, based in traditional Chinese Medicine & Ayurveda.


Moist, chocolate speckled zucchini bread - Gluten free


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