Salted caramel chocolate ganache pie

This pie came about from a deep craving for a ganache pie for Christmas dinner, shops were closed so I used what I had in house. As this was made on the fly, some of the measurements might be even so slightly off, but you should still end up with a deeply satisfying caramel chocolate experience.

By chance this recipe happens to be gluten free and refined sugar free too. You could make it vegan by replacing the cream with cashew cream and the butter with coconut oil. may chance the flavour and consistency slightly but not by much.



1,5 cup nuts

4 small sesame crackers (could be replaced by 50/60g sesame seeds)

5 pitted dates

1 tbsp coconut sugar

Pinch salt

2 tbsp psyllium husk


60g melted butter

200 dark chocolate

250 ml whipped cream

1 tbsp coconut sugar

2 tbsp kuzu

Salted caramel

50g butter

Good pinch or two or sea salt flakes

4 tbsp coconut sugar

Small squeeze of lemon juice



  1. Blend all save the butter and husk to a pulp. Then add the butter & husk and mix.

  2. Flatten into a pie form and bake at 180C for about 12-15min - slightly golden. Allow to cool.


  1. Heat the cream in a pan, once warm add the chocolate - stir to melt & mix. Turn down the heat.

  2. In a small glass whisk the kuzu with a little bit of water to dissolve it.

  3. Add the kuzu to the pan of chocolate & cream - stir and stir until you get a thicker consistency.

  4. Set aside to cool.

Salted caramel

  1. Melt the butter in a thick bottomed pan, add the sugar, stir continuously, turn down the heat and after 2min add the lemon juice. This may cause a little splatter so watch out. Keep stirring and after about 4/5min the butter and sugar will turn into a caramel sauce.

  2. Allow to cool slightly.

Last step

Once the chocolate ganache has cooled fill the pie form and then stir in the caramel - sprinkle a tiny bit of sea salt over the top.

Then allow the pie to set on the fridge for 2hours.

Cut the pie with a warm knife.


Stephanie Fairbank

Holistic Health Coach, specialised in gut health and parental wellbeing, quick and efficient cooking with whole foods, based in traditional Chinese Medicine & Ayurveda.


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