Simple celeriac soup
This is such an easy soup and has a very mild yet distinct celeriac flavour. Creamy and thick with a hint of curry. What I like about it is you can layer in other flavours, as well as texture, through the toppings you choose to add.
Serves 4-6
1 medium/large celeriac root, cut into rough chunks (about 3x3cm)
1/2 leek, sliced
1 tbsp avocado/ghee/coconut oil
1 cup / 240ml bone broth
1/2-1 tsp curry powder
1/2 cube / 1/2 tbsp vegetable stock
1 tin (400ml) coconut milk
300ml filtered water
Frying the leek in the cooking oil of choice in a large soup pan until soft & transparent, about 2min.
Add the curry powder and fry for another minute to coat the leek in the curry and bring out the aromas of the spices.
Now add the celeriac and and all the liquids, bring to a low simmer and allow to cook for 20-30min, until the celeriac is cooked through.
Add salt & pepper to taste and the vegetable stock.
Allow the soup to cool slightly before you blend it all up with either a high speed blender or a hand held food blender. Blend till smooth.
Add a drizzle of oil (walnut, extra virgin olive oil, pumpkinseed oil, toasted sesame) and some toasted nuts or seeds, perhaps some lemon zest or a dusting of gomasio or seaweed flakes.
Serve with some fresh sourdough and some unpasturised goats cheese, butter, hummus or smashed avocado.